
Name Race Species Base? Body type Movement Morale Champion? Champion base Champion Fame Hexes occupied Combat skills FP Non-combat skills FP Fame Rank User
Goblin, Infantry, Light goblin Goblinoid No Humanoid 10/20/30 16 No 0.0 0 1 50 50 -7.7 Canon
Description: Small goblinoids generally armed with makeshift armor and poor quality weapons.
Tactics: Goblins tend to swarm targets, and are not afraid to run away (to return later). They will often use superior numbers to wrestle down opponents.
Body Part To Hit Hit Points Natural Armor Absorption Worn Armor Absorption Defense Modifier Silence Modifier
Head 19-20 2 None 0 Gambeson, Thin 2 0 0
Left Arm 16-18 2 None 0 Gambeson, Thin 2 0 0
Right Arm 13-15 2 None 0 Gambeson, Thin 2 0 0
Chest 11-12 2 None 0 Gambeson, Thin 2 0 0
Abdomen 09-10 2 None 0 Gambeson, Thin 2 0 0
Left Leg 05-08 2 None 0 Gambeson, Thin 2 0 0
Right Leg 01-04 2 None 0 Gambeson, Thin 2 0 0
Armor Defense Modifier 0 Armor Silence Modifier 0
Strength STR Save Constitution CON Save Size Size Save Intelligence INT Save Instinct? Willpower WPR Save Dexterity DEX Save Charisma CHA Save
15 25 18 40 16 30 15 25 No 18 40 19 45 16 30
Endurance HTH Base Hit Points Total Hit Points Weight
17 31 5 5 72
Attack Melee Modifier Damage Modifier Attack Missile Modifier Parry Modifier Unarmed Combat Modifier Defense Modifier
-20 -2 -7 -3 -4 -3
Agility Modifier Communication Modifier Knowledge Modifier Manipulation Modifier Perception Modifier Stealth Modifier
-5 -15 -12 -14 -12 0
Grapple Learn Fame Points Base Use % Skill Modifier Armor Adjustment Total Use % Speed Damage
Average 0 0 -4 0 -4 12 D4 ( -2 )
Throw Learn Fame Points Base Use % Skill Modifier Species Bonus Total Use % Speed Range
Average 0 0 -7 20 13 17 Range (1lb.) = Short: 5' Medium: 15' Long: 20' Max Accuracy: 50'
Melee Weapons Learn Combat Action Fame Points Base Use % Skill Modifier Bonus Total Use % Short Speed Medium Speed Long Speed Short Damage Medium Damage Long Damage
Sword, Short @ Easy attack 25 33 -20 0 13 9 12 18 4 6 8
Shields Learn Combat Action Fame Points Base Use Modifier Size Mod Bonus Total Use % Partial Parry Full Parry
Shield, Small, Light Easy parry 25 33 -3 0 0 30 4 9
Non-combat Skills Category Learn Fame Points Base Use % Skill Modifier Total Use %
Ambush stealth Average 25 25 0 25
Hide stealth Average 25 25 0 25
Fame Rank Reconciliation Prime Attribute Fame Combat FPs Non-Combat FPs Special Abilities Passive Magic Active Magic Total Fame Rank
Starting FR -1 -7.7 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 -7.7
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